
How do you treat your colleagues at your working place? Do you treat them like your <span title="brothers/sisters&children?">brothers/sisters&children...</span>

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Whether you're in service job as an executive or owning your business, you have colleagues of different types & backgrounds & you have to be with them. How do you interact with them ? Do you treat them like your brothers & sisters, parents, sons & daughters or you're so much strict that you talk of work during working period & forget about them before & after that. Do you behave rudely with them ? I can't be rude. I always interact with them with great care giving full due respect to all. Do you help them when needed or more or less than the needs ?




  1. Regardless of the situation, if other adults are not members of my family, I treat them as adults and not brothers, sisters, or children.

    I am initially respectful and kind. If they are respectful and kind in return, then that is the basis for friendly relations and of course I would help them if needed.

    However, if they are rude and contentious, then I interact with them as little as possible and see no need to help them. As far as I&#039;m concerned, respect is earned and not automatically due to anyone who draws breath.

  2. Always treat your colleagues like you would want to be treated and you will do fine.

  3. I treat my colleagues with respect but they&#039;re not worth being treated as family. No way!

  4. I treat them all equally and with respect. Sometimes it&#039;s not always returned but hey that&#039;s life. I don&#039;t mind helping my co-workers out if they need it.  

  5. I&#039;m never rude but I certainly don&#039;t get your &quot;brother/sister&quot; line. It&#039;s always advisable not to grow too intimate with workplace employees (except the one you&#039;re currently dating). Whenever there&#039;s a conflict, it leads to problems for both parties.

  6. You treat them with respect, kindness and considerations, not allowing them to take advantage of you or the company.  It is not a good idea to interact too much with individual subordinates, but a group get together is perfectly appropriate.  Consideration of an individual employee&#039;s needs is fine, as long as it is within company policy to handle the situation as necessary.  Never get too chummy with an employee at work.  That promotes disharmony and jealousy within the ranks.  Never allow a friendship to affect any company decisions.

  7. i am a asst. executive in an office always &amp; any time i will treat them as a freind

  8. I treat everyone with respect. I don&#039;t treat them like brothers or sisters or children.. they are colleagues... they are my equals..  and a different cultural background would not make a difference to me.. I would treat everybody as a colleague and with respect and no backstabbing them.. and if I was a boss and their superior.. I definitely also would not be biased.. a boss never treats his or her staff as children or as family .. but they should treat all staff equal.. skin colour and cultural background doesn&#039;t matter but their work and their reliability at the job is what I would look at.. if they do a good job.. then it doesn&#039;t matter where the came from if I was their superior... if they don&#039;t turn up on time for work or take time off and are not on sick leave then they are not reliable staff... that goes for everyone .. whatever their skin colour or cultural background is...They have to treat their boss male or female with respect and the boss should definitely do the same.. treat each employee fairly.. and be open minded.. They would get training..  if they can&#039;t do the job.. then unfortunately a boss cannot keep them.. They should receive a full training to be taught their task.. then if they can&#039;t handle the job.. like everyone .. there is a 3 month probabtion period..  they will not be kept on and asked to leave.. a boss cannot help out underprivileged people or staff financially that would go against ethics as an employer.. he is not allowed to make differences.. that is why all staff is considered equal...x

  9. Every relationship whether at home or office, like any other Natural phenomenon, has the Demand &amp; Supply dimention, which is influenced by several related dimentions like Cause &amp; Effect, Action &amp; Reaction, Survival of Fittest, Struggle for Existence, etc etc. This shapes and defines the personal nature or individual behaviour pattern depending upon his/her formative strengths &amp; weaknesses, grooming, and education etc. At the same time in an office (business) scenario, the priority is given to the growth which is ensured by the fittest people in this business environment of neck to neck struggle for existence. Colleague relationships has become much mechanical being defined to suit the business growth. HR policies and code of conducts are defined in that way. We love our children or other close relatives, but at the same time we behave tough on them to mean our family and individual growth. Likewise in the business scenario we love our colleagues, we care about them but at the same time, to keep everyone goal directed towards business achievements, we need to be tough on them also. We can not compromise on results for individual likings and dislikings, biases etc which natually remain and continue with every individual, and like viruses, which tend to grow in soothing environment to bring the person in his or her unproductive comfort zone. Over pampered child mostly becomes a spoiled child. If organisations grow, the individuals also grow. That is why we have seen that agressive and tougher organisations grow faster, and they are also the trend setters in individual growths of employees. Yes! We must love our people by heart, must care them for their genuine needs, but not compromise on their time and quality driven targets, otherwise everythings may tend to collaps for the ultimate benefit of none!

  10. your a dream boss my boss i just like you great man kind hearted and i believe at the end of the day we give it our all cause he also gives his all including appreciation

  11. can i work for you. my boss is always rude and nasty  

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