
How do you trick a gemini into thinking hes in control and "he thought of it first"?

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I have a really argumentitive gemini on my hands, who only wants to do things that were his idea first, and he always has to be the oposite. I don't really know how to use reverse psycology here.




  1. Try using something logical and sensible rather than nonsensical horoscopes.

  2. Don't kid yourself, we are too smart for that kind of trickery!


  3. Well I would always play dumb. Like with the yellow green thing. I would be like " Awww man It would look better yellow. What was I thinking! I only choose green because it looks really good the way the sun refelcts off of it and I thought yellow would be too bright."

    LOL thats what I allways did with the gemini guy I went out with. Worked like a charm.

  4. OHHHH are we playing head games and trying to manipulate.  I don't agree that women should do that, instead try talking to your gemini friend about what you want and why.

  5. good luck. do you have any easy questions. I think this one is not possible.

  6. Whats your sign? and tell me both of your moon & ascendants.

    If you don't know what they are, go to this site

    The ascendant is how other people see you and the moon sign is how he acts sometimes..

    Ahh, gemini and virgo. You are the perfectionist (sometimes) and he wants to get things done. Someitmes virgos are "pushovers" to geminis. (im not being mean) Talk to him about how you make him feel (we are known for communicating) and what he's doing which isn't fair. Do adventurous things with him,! Us geminis love to have fun. But when you say no, or want something then you mean it and let him know that.

    Dating a Gemini -

    Remember, tell me your moon & ascendant :)

    Good luck!

  7. i agree with deviant fire.

    you cant trick a gemini when comes to something like that.. good luck bc you will need it..

  8. Just give him subtle hints, and then when he says that he wants to do what you have just been suggesting, PLAY DUMB, say, "Oh, thats brilliant, I never would have thought of that".

    But seriously, if you have to play head games with each other, perhaps the relationship should end, because obviously you aren't meant to be together.

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