
How do you trick a guy into wanting to go?

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Well...This guy that i like KEEPS ON MAKING EXUSES whenever we try to plan something. And im tired of it. We recently made plans for the movies and he made another exuse.. -.- I NEED A WAY TO MAKE HIM FEEL BAD AND WANT TO GO!




  1. no, you need to find a real man. You need someone that wants to spend time with you, not someone that feels bad for you.   Ignore him for a while, you might see something you didnt before, like a better man.  Keep your eyes open

  2. You have no shot. He is trying to make you chase after him and is doing a d**n good job. He could care less about b/c there are many other girls. If he doesn't respond to you don't respond to him.

  3. just s***w him. it's pretty obvious he DOESN't wanna hang out with you.. not to be mean. but yeah.. find someone else. he's not worth the time

  4. ignore him dont anserw his call and walk the other way way when you see him

  5. Maybe you should hang out with people who actually like you? Just a thought...

  6. You need more self esteem!!!  Why would you want to be with someone that you have to beg all of the time. If you trick him, then he isn't really there for you. Find someone else that wants to be with you with out all the tricks. Quit playing games and move on. He doesn't want to be with you. I think he is just trying to be nice about it.  

  7. He doesn't like you. Get over it.

  8. dont talk to him for a while and make him worry then he will ask and tell him just how u feel

  9. Tell him if he won't go out with you then you're just going to show up at his place, then don't go over there and never talk to him again!

  10. don't have him feel sorry for what is wrong with you i hate to tell you this but he don't like you cry now about it but in time you'll forget about him if he liked you he would be more than happy to take you out.leave him alone move on to the next guy.

  11. You are obviously not high on his priority list.  Why do you want to make someone do something they don't want to do?  Move on and find someone who likes you enough to keep his word.

  12. You can't trick a guy into doing anything.  You need to back off a while and make him come to you.  If he doesn't that means he probably isn't interested and you need to find a new guy.  I know its hard, but you'll find a better guy.

    please help:;...

  13. As a guy I can tell you that 'guilting' him into going isn't the way! You  don't want him to feel like he HAS to, you want him to WANT to. Be a little nonchalant. You, know? Take the " You'd be lucky to come with me" approach. Be subtle, but let him know you have options.

  14. if he wants to do anything with u. I suggest u let him make the plans cause that is what I'm doing with my guy friend he's making the plan and i'm going along with it

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