
How do you trim a hawaiian ti plants. Mine is two big but i dont want to butcher it.?

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How do you trim a hawaiian ti plants. Mine is two big but i dont want to butcher it.?




  1. Ti plants are pretty resilient. Cut it back to the desired height.

    It will recover... just don't wait.  If you are going to cut it, do it while it is growing in the summer months.  The plant will be fine.

  2. I live in Hawaii and have never heard of trimming ti plants.  Most folks here just let them grow big and bushy.  Still, I guess if you wanted to trim them back, maybe pull off the leaves you don't want on the plant.

    I remember being a kid and taking a clipper to my Mom's ti plants; clipped them nearly to the ground.  Little buggers grew right back - they're pretty hardy plants.

  3. There are about 50 varieties of this plant, and presumably all have different needs. But I would be brave here, though I am not suggesting that you be, I would, because this is a very succulent plant, with a very sharp knife cut it back to just 4 leaves., especially if yours is a single stem variety. Maybe someone will come up with a more professional answer.   .


    cut it back to where you'd like it to be, keeping in mind that the spot where you cut it will soon sprout new leaves and those will eventually grow to the same size as the others..... then take the part you cut off and plant it for another plant!!.. it will root if the soil is kept moist..... cut it a little shorter if it's too tall ..... if you can remember which way is UP on the cut piece, that will also sprout for you and that makes TWO free plants!!....

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