
How do you trim television cable without getting electrocuted?

by  |  earlier

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I moved into a new apartment and there is a long ugly television cable in the bedroom which I don't need as I have my television set up in the living room. I forgot to ask the cable guy to trim the bedroom cable back when he was installing everything. So (to save the cost of calling him back out) I want to trim the cable all the way back myself but I am nervous about getting electrocuted. The cable is coming through the wall and isn't connected to anything inside. However, I don't know exactly what it is connected to on the outside. I don't want to trim it down and add a new connector because I will never use it, I just want to cut it right back so it is out of my life. Do I need any special tools so I wont get electrocuted? Does it have a current of any kind?

Thanks =)




  1. There is a tool that is made to cut the wire look it up on the net they will tell you how to cut it as well Good Luck

  2. There is not enough current in coax cable to shock you when you cut it.  

    You can cut it with a very sharp knife, or a pair of cutters (any cutters will do, you don't need a special tool to cut the cable..... You could even use a heavy pair of scissors to chop it off.)

    After you cut the unused cable off you can push the little stub left in the wall back into the wall's stud cavity.  A little hole will be left behind, you can get some Spackle and apply a small amount to cover the hole, and make the wall good as new.

    I hope I was able to help you out, I wish you luck on completing your task.


  3. There's a very small current in the coax cables the cable companies use.  It won't hurt you to cut it.

    If I understand you correctly, it's a round black cable with a plug that has a center post sticking out.

    So if you don't plan on using it, just cut it off.  The cable people can always put a connector on it if they want to use it later.  Just don't cut it so short that it can't be used later.

    Either that, or can you possibly push it into the wall?

  4. Carefully.

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