
How do you troll effectively?

by  |  earlier

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Is it really that hard to do?




  1. The best way to puff up your ego and make yourself feel superior to others while causing as much pain as possible to those you don't approve of is to run for President.

  2. Some guys let their line out only 10 or 15 feet. I like 20 feet minimum. Then just go up and down the shore, out a good 30 to 40 feet. Then just go back and forth. I concentrate more on the upstream run rather than downstream. For trolling in the ocean you're on your own, I've just done rivers. Any good spin bait should work fine, ask a local what they're hitting on.

  3. No it's outrageously easy.

    Find something someone likes and say stupid things about it

    Good trolling topics: Religion, (can be done right here on Yahoo!) Anime (do on /a/)... ehh that's what gets trolled mostly.

  4. Wow, I hate it when people ask dumb questions.

    Why do people waste their time here anyway?

    (that was an example)

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