
How do you tune a new guitar???

by  |  earlier

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I just got a guitar an i really want to learn how to play it however i have no idea how to tune it, or rather how to know when it is tuned correctly.all comments are appreciated, thanx!




  1. There are several methods to tuning the guitar: by piano, pitch pipe, tuning fork, LED tuner, strobe tuner, and by the frets. Below are two of the methods explained.

    The Piano

    1.  When a string is not being pressed down by a finger, it is called an open string. If you are using a piano or guitar pitch pipe, begin by tuning the open sixth string to E. This bass note is found below the piano’s middle C.

    2.  The open fifth string (A) is tuned to the A note that follows upward from the low E note.

    3.  The open fourth string (D) is tuned to the D note that follows upward from the A note.

    4.  The open third string (G) is tuned to the G note that follows upward from the D note.

    5.  The open second string (B) is tuned to the B note that is directly under middle C.

    6.  The open first string (E) is tuned to the first E note above middle C.

    The Fretboard

    1.  If you are not using another pitch reference, adjust the open sixth string (E) to a clear, low pitched sound. The string should not be too loose or will buzz when it strikes the fret, the metal bar that separates the fret spaces.

    2.  Place a finger nearest, but not upon the metal fret desired. Your finger will be pressed just below the fret bar.

    3.  Press the sixth string at the fifth fret. This is the pitch A to which you tune your open fifth string. Continue plucking the depressed sixth string and the open fifth string as you make adjustments of the fifth tuning key or k**b. When the two sounds match, you are in tune.

    4.  Press the fifth string at the fifth fret and tune the open fourth string to it. Follow the same procedure that you did on the fifth and sixth strings.

    5.  Press the fourth string at the fifth fret and tune the open third string to it.

    6.  To tune the second string, press the third string at the fourth fret and tune the open second string to it.

    7.  Press the second string at the fifth fret and tune the first string to it.

    The strings are in tune when each depressed string matches the open string that you are tuning.

  2. u can buy a guitar tuner.....

  3. All you need is a cheap electronic guitar tuner that you can get just about anywhere that sells guitars -- Guitar Center, Target, etc.  (If it's an electric guitar you'll also need a cable to plug the tuner into the guitar).

    Use the tuner and tune the guitar the same as you would any guitar.  Then tug and stretch each of the strings and tune it again.  You'll need to do this 2-3 times before the stings will be properly stretched and stay in tune fairly well.

  4. Go to like anywere that has a guitars in your city or town, and pick up a guitar tuner, i got one when i got my guitar there kinda fun to play with cuz there like a hermonica haha!

  5. strings are EADGBE from top to bottom use a piano if you have one and copy the pitch to tuneit. if you dont have a piano bring it to a music shop they'll do it for you for free

  6. there are several online sites, the one I use is: "Online Guitar Tuner", then just listen to the notes and tune.

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