
How do you turn a guy straight?

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This guy is 15 years of age. He needs help to be straight. Please help me out.

Thanks for reading and comment. all most all comments help.




  1. you cant make anybody straight.  its not a switch you can turn on and off.  that was such a dumb question.  maybe you should try to be a little more open minded.

  2. get him laid by a girl... if he likes it he is bi or straight... if he doesn't like it hes g*y.

  3. If that were possible, I would have been turned straight 4 years ago.

  4. what the h**l is wrong. if he is g*y than let the guy be g*y. who says he needs help? you or him? please dont let him try to change him self it leads to depression and hate and anger. if he is g*y let him be g*y. tell him to embrace him self. theres nothing wrong with it. and if he trys to be striaght he'll be for ever unhappy

  5. In all honesty.. it's not your choice to make.

    But if the person asked for help.. I suggest getting a million hot girls together for a pool party or something with like bakini's and everything, give the dude a lap dance or something.

    But that's really low to go just to get a guy to 'turn' or what not.

    You can't change people, maybe you should stop trying.


  6. The wrong way: Brainwash him to think he's straight

    The right way: Tell him there's no way to turn straight & be himself.

  7. its impossible sorry

  8. well, when hes 18. tie him to a mattress and send a hooker in there every hour on the hour. eventually he will like boobies

  9. you cant turn someone straight, just like you cant turn someone g*y, you either are, or you aren't.

  10. you can't, what's wrong with you?

  11. Same way you turn a straight guy g*y. People are born g*y or straight. Or both. He isn't straight and can't be that way unless he wants to live a complete LIE. And hurt people with his lies. Let people be who they are. It would be SOOOO nice if all of a sudden, all the g**s turned on US and started bashing us and saying that STRAIGHT IS WRONG.  

  12. Uh your either born g*y or straight you can't make someone change who they are. he doesn't need to be straight. and your wrong for trying to make him straight.

  13. You can't 'turn' him straight. He's g*y. It's totally normal and there's no way to make him change.

  14. Nothing will "turn" him straight. If at 15 he thinks he's g*y there's a good chance he is.

    In time he will either accept it and feel comfortable as a g*y man or accept and feel comfortable as a straight man.

    You, nor ANYONE else should attempt to change someones sexual orientation.  

  15. I'd argue you probably can't change which way his thingie goes. Hopefully he'll "come around" and not fudge anything. Leave hiem be for now and let him know you're there if he needs anything.

  16. Tried to do that once to myself and I was miserable for 3 years. Even though people actually believed I was straight, I always had that feeling inside and it came to haunt me time after time. I didnt have friends and I was all alone. It was much better when I accepted myself. My life is much better now. You can change a person from the outside but slowly you are killing the person from the inside.  

  17. you cannot, don't waste your time. also this question's homophobia is annoying me. Love is love!!  

  18. You can't change someone into being straight. If someone is g*y that's they way they are. All these religious changing camps and whatnot are stupid and just brainwash people, but in the end they're still g*y. He needs support at such a young age, not people trying to tell him to change, that will just confuse him more.  

  19. if he really wants to be, then buy him the playboy magazine and take him to a strip club...if thats legal for 15 year olds...

  20. dumb question. IMPOSSIBLE.

  21. This is something he has to do himself.  You can't do it from the outside for him.  IF HE WANTS TO CHANGE, he has to choose to either ignore urges or accept them as a part of himself that he chooses not to act on.

  22. well i don't give a madonnas *** why you posted it, your still a FUCKUP!! get it FUCKUP!!! no one likes you go s***w yourself.

  23. if he is g*y then he is g*y there is no changing it

  24. show him LOTS of p**n. and uh, why are you trying to turn a guy straight. if he's g*y, let him be g*y. thats his problem

    btw ask him if he's ever jacked off before, if he hasnt. tell him he should, that MIGHT help him turn alittle bit straight

  25. Ask your self this question, How do you turn a Straight Guy g*y?? yeah you can't sooo ur answer, You can't turn a guy straight unless hes straight to begin with.

  26. You are a horrible person. He is g*y because that is who he is. Keep your horrible judgemental opinions to yourself. There is enough hate in this world. People should be loved for who they are. He doesn't need help, but we could all use some acceptance, love, and compassion.

  27. Did he ask you for help, and are you qualified to give it?  You can't change sexual orientations; it isn't like putting on a new shirt and it isn't a choice

  28. Well, first you probably know how long this guy will listen to things that will change his mind.  You should probably start out slow with some literature you could get from some local area churches or possible one in the denomination he may belong to.  A good website is go to it see what you can get about talking to this guy and really geting to the point of what you or he believes.  You might not even believe all the resourses that say straight is the only way but knowledge is power and if you are open to it you might just get the right thing to say.  If you really find nothing wrong with this life style and only have personal reasons for this guy then you need to be on a wider street.  But if you really believe that this life style is wrong then ask for help by getting people that share your believes.  Ask for prayer and you pray too.

    I'll be praying for the right outcome of this situation.  It's really hard to take the narrow road but that is the right way.  VICTORY IN TRUTH!

  29. Yeah, like pandas need help to be ostriches.

  30. I'm not g*y so I wouldnt know... but I'm pretty sure people are born g*y. its not an active decision.

    please just let him be who he is. if you don't he will never forgive you.  

  31. You can't change him, sorry.

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