
How do you turn nothing into something?

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I absolutely love too cook.

So for my 14th birthday I wanted to cook my friends and family a very elegant dinner.

There is one problem I can't afford to rent out a banquet.

So we decided to use my grandma's back yard

How do I turn uneven dirty land into an elegant dinner party




  1. Well, if you are serious then you have a lot of work ahead.You can get ideas from books in Lowes or the home depot on landscaping, but let me tell you, it is hard, expensive work to transform a messed up yard. It is also very very rewarding. My wife and I have spent over 10000.00 so far in our yard, and it was flat when we started. We aren't even close to being finished yet. =(

    An idea I just had is call your friends, guys and girls, get a bunch of pizzas and drinks, and tell them you are having a yard rehab party. Get wheelbarrows, hoes, rakes shovels, and get to work cutting high areas down ad filling in low spots. then get some grass seed, then water and fertilize. Hopefully this will at least get you something nice to start with.

    I wish you all the luck in the world, I hope you manage to pull this off.

  2. ahhh........YOU can't

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