
How do you turn off my yahoo beta? I've lost all my favorites, url's, fantasy, news, etc. This sucks!!!

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How do you turn off my yahoo beta? I've lost all my favorites, url's, fantasy, news, etc. This sucks!!!




  1. A few people who were involuntarily moved into Yahoo Beta were given the "change back" option, apparently the majority of us weren't. If you don't have the "change back" option so far no one has come up with a way to go back to Yahoo Classic. The question of how to change back was taken off the Yahoo FAQ section yesterday (10/10) afternoon, so maybe that means Yahoo is working on a solution.

    10/12 A follow up to TJ's entry below - for some reason, it won't let me add a new answer...his solution works BUT you have to go thru and answer the "why do you want to switch?" questions and then when it gives you the choice click on "CANCEL". Otherwise, it takes you back to Yahoo Beta.

  2. Down at the bottom of the screen is a link that says "Switch Back to Original Yahoo"  Click that.  Then click the large yellow button that says "Switch Back" and there you are.

  3. Some brilliant genius in another Yahoo! section where you can make suggestions said to enter this url - - and it WORKS!! Bless you, kind stranger!

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