
How do you un ban someone both banned & removed from a Yahoo Group?

by  |  earlier

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When I get spammers on my Group I first ban them, then remove their membership. I also send out an automatic text file saying I have a zero spam tolerance policy but if they feel they've been banned in error to contact me.

For the first time I've had someone contact me to say they had a virus sending out spam to their whole address book and could I please reinstate them. I of course said yes, but cannot for the life of me find him on the banned member list. I can only assume this is because I also removed him whenI banned him. My question is... how the heck do I undo that and get him back on the list? I've sent and invite and tried a direct add, but so far neither of these seem to have gotten him back on the list.

Anyone with a suggestion please let me know.




  1. To unban him go to the "Members" section of your group homepage and click on the section that shows the list of those that were banned from the group.  Click on the section that says, "Banned".

    When you open it look down the list for this person and click on the option that says, "Remove Ban".

    After that is done then go ahead and resend the invitation to him and he should then be able to rejoin the list.

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