
How do you uninvite someone you asked to be your date to a wedding?

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Ok, I asked the guy I liked at the time to go with me to my moms wedding and he said yes, however, I found out that he doesn't like me any other way than a friend, and I didn't mind, because I was starting to not have feelings for him as well. We're still really good friends though. However, I already asked him to go with me to the wedding, and now I don't really want to go with him, so what should I do? Like, how do you uninvite someone like that to your parents wedding?




  1. You can't. Unless you find out something really bad about him... like he's a doper, or is out on parole, or is sleeping with your best friend, or something else really morally bad, you can't uninvite him.

    Just have a nice time with him and who knows... by the end of the evening, he may like you as more than a friend.

    Hope that helps!

  2. I'll spare you the talk about being rude and good manners, because you already know that, and if I were in your situation I would want to do the same thing too.  First of all, don't bring it up unless he does first.  Maybe he's about as excited to go as you are for him to go.  If it does get brought up, tell him that you were thinking about it, and since it's your Mom's day, you don't really want to bring a date, because you want to spend time with your mom, and you don't want to leave him standing around by himself all the time, and you would feel bad if you did that to him.  Tell him that you'll bring him a piece of cake back, and tell him the details later.  If you want to take another date, just tell him that while you adore him, you're would like to take someone that you're interested in- if he's not interested in you, he should totally understand.  Good luck!  And a word to the wise- if you truely don't want to take him, then don't; you'll regret it.  BUT, if you take some guy you don't know that well, and it doesn't work out, you'll really regret him being in all of those pictures later.  So think carefully about who you take.  Personally, I would take my best friend as my date, have a great time, and enjoy the pics later!  Good luck!

  3. Suck it up and take him unless he doesn't really want to go.

  4. Simply say, "I know I asked you to come with me to this wedding, but it's going to be such a big day for my mom and our family that I'm not going to be able to devote any time to a guest.  Maybe we could hang out the following weekend?"

  5. tell them its cancelled?!

  6. Well if you guys are friends, why not still go, as friends? You don't NEED a date-date. But if you think that will be still uncomfortable, maybe you should just tell him what happened. Hopefully he'll understand and gracefully accept your decision.

  7. You don't.  To un-invite someone is rude.

    If you want to keep him as a friend, then take him to the wedding as a friend.  You will have a good time, and you will have someone with whom to dance.

  8. Why can't you go with him, just as friends? You may need him to fend off some crazy wedding crasher-type guy! Whatever you do, don't lie to him! That would make you look bad.

  9. Be honest.  "I am sorry, but I don't think it is a good idea to go to my mom's wedding with you."

  10. as long as there's no chance of him showing up, i would tell him plans have changed, some things have happened in the family, and that you aren't going , then go. otherwise, the high road would be to explain the situation to him, exactly like you worded it in your above question. you may remain friends that way.

    The TRUTH will set you free.

  11. Why would you?  You'll probably have more fun there with a friend than worrying about it being a date.  As long as you both know where you stand, what's the problem?

  12. Don't,,, hes still ur friend, so it will be fun

    answer mine:

  13. I'd tell him that your parents are getting married somewhere else out of town.But you really should let him go with you.

  14. You could "uninvited" him but be prepared to lose this friend. It's just not nice to "uninvite" him, sorry.

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