
How do you unseal your adoption files ?

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I was taken by CPS & then adopted. My files were sealed & now that I am an adult I want to find my birth family & show them there Grandaughter & find out about my families medical history.

Does anyone know how to UNseal my files ?

What is the best agency to go thru ???




  1. You need a court order. Petition to have a judge order them opened. Note that you probably will not have any luck doing this unless you can prove you will die without that information.

  2. the court they went through is the one you need to go to. you petition the court and i think its 50 or more dollars and they are supposet o give you the sealed records what i was told was in it is how you were adpted stuff like that what happened in court etc. i don't have mine yet but i plan to do it this spring when i hit michigan i know which court they went to and lawyer is dead who did this. take care good luck

  3. Surely very unwise desire, just praise God for your well-being for a new generation.

  4. You need to go to court and fight for it. Hire an attorney. Good luck!

  5. There are only 6 states that honor adoptee rights in the United States. The other 44 do not give us access to our records. They say we have to petition the courts and show "good reason" to have our records opened.

    This, is a violation of your human rights. Get involved with activism. Unite with me and protest your sealed records this july in New Orleans with tons of other adoptees and those who support us!

    To find out if your state is one of the 6, click the link below and click on "searchers."

  6. that would probably take some hard work.  ummmmm.......u would have to go through law and stuff.

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