
How do you upload a picture from photobucket onto your?

by  |  earlier

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like as your default,not on the profile.





  1. do you mean as a background image for your layout?

    if so...

    replace where it's all in caps with your own direct link from photobucket

    <style> .katamari background generator 2.0

    { ht tp:// }

    body {background-image:url(REPLACEWITHDIRECTL... center; background-attachment:fixed; }

    table, tr, td { border:0px; }

    tr {background-color:transparent;}

    div table {background-color:transparent;}

    .bodyContent {background-color:transparent !important;}


    **and this part { ht tp:// }

    take out the space between the t and the other t


  2. oh easy

    go to the pictures full size

    scroll over the pic

    and press the right button on your mouse

    and press save picture as...

    save it on to you pc

    go to myspace and upload it

    thats what ive been doing


  3. Right click the picture you're talking about and click on "Save Target As..", it doesn't matter where you save it but I recommend your My Documents folder.

    Then in myspace where you have the upload new photo page - click on the "Upload" button and go to your my documents folder if its not already displayed. Double click the file you've just saved. Then click "Upload".

    Hope this helps. Stevie.

  4. Here are your step by step instructions:

    Copy the html code from photbucket and go to edit profile

    You will need to find where you have all your html code for your profile.

    Hit ctrl+F to bring up the search function. You will need to type in background.

    You should find the background imgsrc=(http://myjpegimage.photobucket) you get the point. highlight that part and hit ctrl+V to paste the new html code.

    Click on save profile and view your profile.

    New background should be there.

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