
How do you use a bic lighter?

by  |  earlier

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i know this is an extremely stupid question but i was trying to light one up at my friends house the other day and it wouldnt work. i know you press your thumb down on the wheel and the button but it didnt work for me? but it works for everyone help?




  1. Usually when a person is not able to light a lighter, they are flicking too slow.  Here is a slo-motion clip to show you!!  By watching this, you'll be flicking with a flame in no time!!  Plus, the slow motion is really cool to watch!!

  2. what a dumb *** question..

    u must b the stupidest person ever..

    any1 can light lighters...

  3. Take a pair of needle nose pliers and yank off the silver metal cap over the wheel, It's a child proof safety device and your not pushing down hard enough!

  4. try doing it harder,your doing it happened too.

    do what you normally do with the wheel and the thumb press but harder.ok.

    and no thats not a stupid questions.


  5. Taking off the little metal strip on the flint wheel makes them work much much easier also try finding an electric then you don't smoke flint at all!

  6. uhh maybe it was out of fluid?

  7. bic lighters only work @ 4:20 am/pm.... if you catch my drift

  8. children shouldnt play w/ lighters. you'll know when ur a grown up

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