
How do you use a message board and how do i get to one?

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How do you use a message board and how do i get to one?




  1. Message boards are great if you find one you like. Yahoo used to have Yahoo News Story Message Boards and they became very popular until they closed them down due to several reasons. I was one of the people that used to love to go to a news story about science and then post my comments for other people to respond to. You type out your comments (Long or short) like an email. You then have a chance you correct the spelling, edit it, change it...etc. When you are done you submit it. (It's called a post) Unlike this place, there was no limit to size or any other of the many restrictions Yahoo Answer staff puts on this web site. It was a great way to express your views and talk back and forth to other people without the time pressure. (Unlike a chat room.) You would stay there and watch the people comment on what you just said and then you could reply to them. You could always go back hours or days later and read all the remarks connected to your original post. I used to take my time to post well written and articulate posts about science and I made many friends. I am happy to say I had a big fan club in there right up until Yahoo killed it. The main reason they stopped it was because of people who used to purposely ruin it and prevent an intelligent debate by posting lots of swearing or repeat the same phrase 250 times and other childish stuff. There were also poeple who used to use it for political preaching and sometimes even religious fanatics would go there as well. (Which I found both rather annoying in the Science news story category.) Since they closed down I have found no other decent substitute although there are still many message boards out there. (Like TOPIX) Just Google "Message boards". Anyway... I hope this long answer handles all of your questions about This is just what I did in the message boards...start with a quick remark which ended up growing into a big story. When it was Science as the subject, then it was REALLY hard to shut me up.  :-)

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