
How do you use a trampolene and a swimming pool for a workout for a cross country and track runner?

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I have a 4 foot pool and a tramplene outside. I haven't ran all summer and feel guilty and i need a good workout to do on a trampolene and in the pool because cross country training starts soon and i don't want to be the last one in a race like last year. Any suggestions?

Also I need to lose about 10 pounds what is the fastest was to

lose it besides starvation?




  1. you need to run, not jump on your trampoline to get in shape. I would say swimming laps would help a little to cross train but a 4ft pool is smaller then a bird bath. To lose weight eat healthy and dont eat junk foot.

  2. Well run in water it kind of feels like you have weights on your legs. Then you can do High Knees and Butt Kicks on your trampoline try to get as high as you can.

    P.S. I run cross country and track and I'm really good and you should have started running at the beginning of summer. Ye.

  3. Honestly, you will need to run as your primary workout.  The problem with both of those pieces of equipment is that they will not provide the resistence to simulate the power that you are going to be putting into the ground.  Also, neither one can emulate the running motion.  So you may be able to use them as cross training, you really cannot use them for cross country.

    If you start your running program and make sure you have  nutritious eating patterns, you should lose the weight in the new few weeks.

    Good Luck!

  4. Some distance runners use a pool for cardio training. If the pool is only 4 feet deep then it may not work.

    The best pool training is to run in deep water. That is where you do not touch the bottom of the pool, but run in an upright position.

    You can use this in place of some, but not all of your easy running.

    To lose weight you do not need to starve, but eat healthy and exercise. It takes 3500 calories to lose one pound and you burn about 100 calories for each mile  you run. Your body uses calories to stay alive, and how many depends on your size and weight.

    If you eat well and run a few miles each day you will lose weight, and if  you eat healthy you will weigh what you should weigh, not necessarily what a height/weight chart says you should weigh.

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