
How do you use terms relating to royalty?

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I am writing a book about vampire royalty. It includes a vamp queen, her son the prince who is destroyed, and the girl he turned vamp who then becomes princess. How do I decide whether to call them Majesty, Highness, or whatever?




  1. I like your Magesty sounds royalty like.

  2. Every movie I have ever seen about vampires refers to them as prince.  The girl the son turned into a vamp was not originally of that bloodline so I would think she would retain the title princess.  Look at Queen Elizabeth, her husband is not referred as king, he is called Prince.

  3. Everyone would be referred to by title ... Queen, Princess, Prince. For example, Prince Cal and Princess Willamina went into the Queen's chamber just a moment ago.

         When speaking directly to them, they would be referred to as 'Your Highness', except who ever is in charge. Therefore if the top Dog is the Queen she would be referred directly to as 'Your Majesty'.

         So titles when discussing them and Highness or Majesty when speaking directly to them.

    I hope this helps. Your story sounds really cool.

  4. "Your Majesty" is a term used for the reigning monarch. If the monarch is a King,his wife would also be addressed as "Your Majesty." A reigning Queen's husband is a Prince Consort and is a Royal Highness.Daughters and sons of royal princes,kings and queens are "Your Royal Highnesses" as well and are princes or princesses.

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