
How do you use your camera through a telescope?

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I've noticed that people have been able to record things by camera through their telescope, I am asking how does someone do this?




  1. there are whole books written on the subject. my faves are both by michael covington, _astrophotography for the amateur_ and _dslr astrophotography_. please read them and reconsider what you want to do.

  2. It depends on your camera and telescope.

  3. A little bit if research on the web will give you the answers:

    I have been doing astrophotography for few years, and is not that difficult.  But it's an expensive hobby.  In order to make decent astrophotos you need to spend at least coiple thousand dollars in equipment.

  4. If it's a refractor you can probably attach the camera the eyepiece!

  5. If you have an SLR, you can get an adapter that mounts on your camera's lens mount on one end (you'll also need a t-mount adapter) and fits the telescope's focuser on the other. You will need a bit of in-travel on the focuser, so it may not work on some Newtonians. If you have a point&shoot camera, you can shoot through the eyepiece. It helps to use an eyepiece with a large eye lens. There are adapters to hold the camera in place. has all sorts of camera adapters; has a few.

  6. Except for crude snapshots of the Moon and planets, astrophotography is by far the most difficult and expensive part of astronomy. The pictures you see in books and magazines are the result of years of practicing and thousands of dollars worth of equipment. Learn how to use your telescope visually before trying astrophotography!

  7. You need to buy a special hook up but you need an electronic telescope.

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