
How do you usually get out of a funk?

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How do you usually get out of a funk?




  1. To get out of that funk you're talking about, here's something you can do:  Sing.  Sing a song. Sing it loud. Sing it strong.  Sing of good things, not bad.  Sing of happy, not sad.

  2. Usually when I realize that I am in a depression, which happens to me every once in awhile, I think of things that make me happy.  Like music for example.  I turn the music on loud and usually it lifts my spirits to do, clean, etc....

    I also know, for me, that it is time to leave the house and go visit people.  I visit my best friend and she usually cheers me up.  I also go shopping or just out and about.  Getting out and being with people who care about you is the best way.  

    Just remember what makes you happy and then do them!!

    Good Luck!

  3. yeah talk to a close friend,

  4. I do art work.  That helps me.

  5. Turning up the volume on my favourite songs and dancing around silly in my room. Till I feel all better and collapse from being tired! LOL

  6. talk about it with a close friend.

  7. I talk to people and watch movies! They, both, make me feel better in different ways. =)

    Good luck!

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