
How do you vent when you had a really bad dayy?

by Guest33912  |  earlier

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How do you vent when you had a really bad dayy?




  1. XBox 360 first person shooter.  Try gears of war or Call of duty 4.  It always makes me feel beter to kill some fictional bad guys.  The worse the bad guys the better.

  2. talk to my best friend

    or go have an intense work out session

    or play sports, cause that allows me to focus on something else besides my horrible day

  3. throw water balloons off the tops of buildings at cars or pedestrians. it makes you feel so much better.

  4. Talk to a close friend, watch some comic stand-up, listen to music...whatever does the trick

  5. I use to stop in the bars, on the way home and drink beer and shoot pool. Now I stay at home, most of the time and take care of my Wife. d**n, I miss the draft Beer.

  6. I hit a pillow.

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