
How do you view teachers?

by  |  earlier

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Hello, i am currently wrighting a report on how society views teachers?

What type of values would you expect a teacher to have, generally speaking?

answers very much appciated guys!




  1. i peek through their bedroom windows at night...

  2. I agree that teachers play such an important role in student's lives--they are people students see and communicate with everyday; they get to know their students well and quickly learn their personalities, and how fast the students are progressing (individually). They teach students the basic and most important skills needed to know in life. And some teachers really get to you emotionaly, and feel like family when you're with them.

    They're amazing.

  3. teachers are viewed as mean idk??????

  4. I think teachers are second only to parents in importance in a child's life.

    I think they should be well educated/trained.  I think they need patience by the truckload and honesty in dealing with both children and parents.

    I don't expect them to teach values to my child.  That's my husband's and my job.  While I expect them to behave professionally at work, what they do at home and during off hours is their business.  Whether or not they go to church and what church they go to is none of my business and I don't want them teaching their beliefs to my child.

  5. Based on how I'm treated, I'd say most students and parents view me as a slave!

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