
How do you visit places overseas?

by  |  earlier

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Do you just like grab ur passport, hop on a plane and be on ur way to....Paris? Or do u have to fill out papers in order for the other country to let you in?




  1. As long as you have a valid (not expired, and some countries won't accept passports that will expire within a certain time frame) passport from your country of residence, you can just book the tickets (won't be cheap) and be on your way to Paris, London, Edinburgh, Rome, Moscow, Zimbabwe, you name it (though some places require vaccinations and such before leaving). You don't have to fill out papers to be let in as long as you have your passport, so be SURE not to lose it!!!

  2. US citizen to Paris?  Sure, if you can afford the ticket, you just hop on and be on your way.

  3. if you already have your american passport all you have to do is buy the plane tickets and go but bring the passport.

  4. grab you passport, go to the airport and choose a place, only cuba, north korea and the middle east are the problematic places, but besides that visit places, its really nice.

  5. you have to get your passport filled out and stuff. You also have to have a picture taken and most people do that at the postal office. You can get a pastport online too. I've never had a passport b4 but my dad, uncle,aunt, and cousin have.

  6. If you just want to visit, most places you can just grab your passport, buy a plane ticket, and go.

    Some countries, however, will make you get a visa (not the credit card!  A different kind of visa) from their embassy before you go.  If you are coming from the US, I know that Australia and India require visas.  If you just show up without one, they will send you right back home.

    Depending on the country you're landing in, the flight attendant may give you a form to fill out once the plane is about to land, and you keep that and give it to the customs agent in the airport.  Generally it's just name, birthdate, home address, where you're staying, why you're visiting that country (vacation or business), and if you're bringing anything valuable into the country.

    Now...if you want to live and/or work there, it gets a bit more complicated.  Then you will almost certainly need a visa.

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