
How do you wake up early for school days?

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I need to wake up at 6:45 am but I'm not a morning person much...and when i set the alarm [my alarm only beeps for a minute then stops if i don't hit snooze]... I'm too much in a deep sleep to hear it. What do I do??




  1. same here. What I started doing is setting up more than one alarm system. I have my cellphone, TV, alarm clock, and radio. Let me tell you sometimes all that doesn't work. And I have my mom come and wake me. But for the most part my 4 alarms to end up waking me up. And make sure that you have them all set to the loudest volume.

  2. I was in the same boat, but had to wake up at 4:30AM.  This is what I did.  About a week before I had to start getting up early, I started training myself.  I went to bed earlier (in your case, you may have to go extra early for a while), stay away from caffeine (pop, coffee, tea), and set 2 alarm clocks.  One alarm clock was electrical (has an electrical outlet)...once the alarm starts, it'll keep going until I turn it off.  The other alarm clock is battery operated and is set to go off 5 minutes after the electrical.  The battery clock is in case I have a power failure and I have a backup.

    Also, set both alarms out of reach so that you have to get out of bed to turn them off.  If you don't, you are more prone to hitting the snooze or shutting them off and then going back to sleep.

    Finally, NEVER HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON.  It's a bad habit of hitting snooze.  First, that extra 5-10 minutes of sleep never does anything for you.  It's been researched that it actually makes you more tired in the long run.

    As a backup, have your parents on stand-by.  The first few days, you may have a hard time adjusting.  You may need their assistance to make sure that you are up.

    Sweet dreams.

  3. can't you ask someone to wake you up?.. like the maid or your mom. anyone in your house that would be kind to wake you up.

  4. set 2 alarms, one on ur phone and one on ur alarm clock

    what some people do, is set the alarm clock far from their bed, so that they have to get up and turn it off. you could try that?  

  5. i think you should ask your mother or father to wake you up in the morning.

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