
How do you wakebord?

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I just recieved a wakeboard for my birthday, and I'm really excited to learn, but i have no idea how. Everybody in my family water ski's, but nobody wakeboards. I can also waterski, but i decided it was time to take it up a notch. So send me some links to great wakeboarding pages please.






  1. Buy the DVD called The Book ( its super helpful and will explain what to do and why your doing it. Dont try getting up like a slalom ski and dont let the boat pull you up. Good luck. Wake or Die

  2. You lie on your back with the rope pulled over top of your board. Pull the rope close to your stomach and when the boat starts to pull you up, then put whichever foot you want first first and have all of your weight on your back foot. You go left and right by switching your weight to your heels or toes. Also stay loose and don't get all stiff and stay in the same spot. Hold your handle close to your hips and keep your arms relaxed and not tightend up. Then all you have to do is have fun and find a style that you like and want to ride.
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