
How do you walk on your rooms door???

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how do you walk on walls?......




  1. Some people believe that this is done on a sound stage with special effects (just like when we "landed" on the moon).  But that is so old school.  Even George Lucas would not do it that way anymore.  

    Personally, I prefer to put on my anti-gravity boots, cinch them up, and go for a walk.  It takes some getting used to at first, but eventually you learn how to adjust to the unusual sensations as you begin to traverse a vertical surface.  Transitioning to the ceiling is challenging, especially on ceilings over 10' high.  You still fight the sensation that you will fall, but from your vantage point you think you will fall UP!

    And of course, you always need to inspect and double check your equipment, you cannot afford a power failure 20' in the air!  

    One draw back of walking on walls and ceilings is that when you tell others what you have done, they rarely believe you, so you may need to leave some tracks to prove it.  Walking in old motor oil usually does  the trick, although some people loose their focus on the accomplishment, and get redirected to the residual effects.

  2. Take the door off the hinges( take the hinge pin out), and lay it on the floor. That sounds to me to be your best bet. That is  if your intent is to put footprints on the door. That way it can be re-installed easily.  As to the walls, I suggest using a baker. Which is a portable mobile work platform, that can be broken down easily, and is also  heighth adjustable.

  3. Put your shoes on your hands...

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