
How do you want to Live your Life?

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How do you want to Live your Life?




  1. Now this is a good question! I want to live my life as happy and as healthy as it can be! I want to be positive and even when things go wrong I want to be able to find the positive in it! I want to learn to be a better person each day, to have more patience, and understanding, to be more caring! I want people to feel they like being around me because it feels good to them! I want to be active and find joy in all that I do!

    That is about it and thanks again for asking a great question like this! Cheers

  2. Just -exactly- the way I've lived it for the last 63 years ☺


  3. I know exactly how I want to live my life.

    Don't know where to start.

    TICK TICK.................

  4. i want live for other i well enjoy to help other and that movement make me happy when i solve some one problem and then thanks god for this

  5. my way...

  6. I want to livve a life full of health, full of enjoyment, full of love, full of affection, full of help and I do not want to see people suffering around me.

  7. As long as possible!

  8. Moment by moment. Life doesn't stop until you die.

  9. live life king size..ha?

  10. One day at a time.

  11. like u...........

  12. 1) I want to live a life of love. Love to all and hatred to none, ideally and practically never a life of evil doing to others.

    2) Do help others in whatever manner possible.

    3) Do your duty to the best of your ability.

    4) Do your professional duty also as a kind of seva. Others do not owe anything to you for the work you do, but you owe a duty to them to do your work.

    5) Never be bogged down by unnecessary rituals and ceremonies, losing sight of the contents and purpose of the act. Never hesitate to jettison dogmas which come in the way of doing honest and charitable work.

    6) In the name of religion and God, never encourage superstition.

    7) Encourage your children and other dependents to have faith and set high value on hard and honest work.

    8) Look forward to doing the right thing and at the right way.

    9) Show patience for getting the right results for your actions and for the right guidance for doing further right actions.

    10) Guard yourself against the evil designs of evil persons to trap you into doing evil things.

    11) Never lose faith in God.

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