
How do you want to be remembered after you die......?

by  |  earlier

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Would you want to be known for finding the cure for all cancer, or being a great artist....etc...?




  1. I'll be remebered for being the supreme being,

    ruler of the universe,

    king of the world,

    and being a guest on the simpsons

    fingers crossed

  2. I want to be remembered, as the nice boy who loved everyone no matter what, and if I died before I completed my task ( god forbid) I want that to be remembered as me as well..

    I also can't forget that If i died ( god forbid )

    I want to be remembered for loving the computer

  3. I don't want to be remembered after I die. I'm content being that one person you shook hands with on your way to your hotel room.

  4. i want to be remembered after i die and for being the greatest basketball player ever(if i ever make it that far)

  5. i would like to be known as the one that had invented a great theory in psychology but first of all for my humanitarian beliefs

  6. I want to be remembered not for the things i acomplished but how i effected people.

  7. Does not matter to me...I say no matter how hard you try to do things so that people like you etc, people are going to think whatever they are going to think.

    It is great that people are concerned with what others think of is a great way of keeping society in check. And I think the fact that some people are that concerned with how they will be remembered, that it pushes them to do things "above their potential."

    For me, it is a matter of doing what you can, with what you have no control over what people are going to think, so just do what you want, as long as it doesn't negatively affect someone else.

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