
How do you wash towels ?

by  |  earlier

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in warm water or cold ?




  1. Read the washing instruction label on the towels.  If  they are brand new and this is the first washing, don't wash them with anything else.  You'll get a lot of lint and fuzz from them.  If they are light colored you may need to wash them in warm if not hot water since they will probably show dirt easier.  If they are dark or a very bright color (like red) wash them in cold water.  This helps set the color a little but again, don't wash them with anything else.  How they come out depends on the quality of the towels.  If you follow the washing label you should be fine.  Follow the drying instructions as well.  

  2. You would use as hot of water as possible. Thats the only way to kill the germs.  

  3. ~~I wash mine in hot water. I also add white vinegar to the bleach dispenser. This keeps soap build up from happening, and gets your towels soft and fluffy. I also do a double rinse on all whites. This keeps them new looking for ever!~~

  4. Unless they are extremely soiled or a member of your household is ill, there is no need to wash in hot water. We do ours, always in warm with a liquid detergent, no bleach, but sometimes another additive like oxyclean powder. And, do not use a fabric softener or they will be less absorbant.

  5. White towels you wash in hot water (plus bleach, if you want). Colored towels you can wash in warm or cold (for more brilliant colors, go with the cold). Do not use chlorine bleach on the colored towels, however you may use a non-chlorine (oxidizing) bleach on the duller colors (avoid any kind of bleach on brilliant colors). Make sure you separate them by color, as cotton dyes tend to bleed easily.

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