
How do you wash your childs hair?

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My daughter is 13 month old and it is a disaster to wash her hair. Of course she doesn't like the water and the soap running over her face. I tryed many funny faces to make her look up to me to wash it out, but I'm running out for ideas.

What do you do?




  1. I wet her head with a wash cloth, soap up and lather.  Then, I use a cup to get the water flowing back, away from her face.  I use the wet wash cloth to dilute the top of her head of soap.  Then, repeat with the cup of water.  I keep a dry wash cloth on hand to let her blot her eyes if she seems bothered.  You might try one of those bathtub shower attachments.  Let her play with it and let her spray your head, then spray hers.  

  2. my daughter cries when water runs over her face, but i just rinse her hair, the wipe her face with my hand and she's fine...they make a special hair rinsing cup that's flexible and rests on the forehead when u pour the keeps it out of their eyes...its like 5 or 6 $ at walmart

  3. Hold a folded up washcloth over her eyes when you rinse her hair.  Then the water will not get in her eyes.

  4. i say for her to close her eyes or sheild them then take the shower head and spray it out  

  5. Yeah my daughter is 21 months and we have the same problem. However I have found that putting a large washcloth over the eyes when rinsing does help. Also continue to tell your child to close their eyes and mouth when rinsing. She may not get it yet, but if you are consistent then she will eventually understand. Also on and even at stores like BabysRUs, they sell a big cup that has a soft spot on one side that you can put up against the forehead so that the water does not come out of that side. Hard to explain. Look it up though.

    They also have like a shampoo visor sort of thing.

  6. My daughter was the same way. I bought a new shower head, one that you can take off. She loved it. cause she got to hold it and spray the wall and me but it really made bath time easier. Easier to wash her hair all at once instead of using a small cup and having to keep refilling it. Hope I helped. GOOD LUCK!

  7. I place my hand on both my kids four heads so the water does not run down their face because like you my daughter is 4 and still hates getting her hair washed!

    put your thumb on one side and have the hand go all the way across the four head blocking water from running down also have them tilt their head back or "look up at the ceiling".

  8. let her sit on the floor with her favorite toy then with a sponge wet her hair (i don't know how thilk it is) then put the shampoo in her hair anrun the sponge over her hair again but honsetly tell her she has to do this and just do it even if she crys atleast she'll be clean


  10. My four children all went through this phase at about a year old. Try washing her hair as little as possible, once or twice a week is fine for a baby. Then just get on with the task making as little fuss as possible, the quicker the better was my view. You could try putting her in the shower with you and play games letting the water run down your faces, blowing bubbles, etc. Or let her lay back in the bath (only put a couple of inches of water in though).

    Good luck, it's a phase it will pass.

  11. I don't know how long her hair is but I have a 8 month old son. I put him in his highchair and wash his hair. I wet it with a washcloth, wash it, then get the soap out with the washcloth. I wait until he is in a good mood like after he eats. Put some toys on his tray and wash. It seems to work for me. Good luck.

  12. Dont let her see you raise your hand and just suprise the c**p out of her.

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