
How do you wax and polish a car?

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I've been meaning to wax and polish my car the only thing is i have no idea how to or what products are the best or in that case what products i'm supposed to have? and polishing does come after the waxing right? can i use regular water to take of wax or am i supposed to use rags or microfiber rags ????? help !!!




  1. Step 1 - Go to a store that sells auto products

    Step 2 - Ask them

  2. 2 ways to do it ,

    1-professionally,T-CUT it[it is a colour restorer and scratch remover] then the wax Polish and removal....

    2 the easy way...wash it with normal car wash from your local car shop and rinse it,then i use something called ''HOT WAX''...YOU GET 1/4 buchet of warn water,put some hot wax in it and simply was it puts a lovely coat of water soluble wax on the car..then simply rinse it and looks well good for the amount of effort you use...

  3. first you have to wash your car with soap and water then use polish after that buy some turtle wax (which works pretty well for me) then buy some soft none fiber towels to pure wax into it and rub to your car (their some special wax for rims, tires rubber vinyl leather windows etc)

  4. Hey ceebee, everyone you talk to will have a different answer as to how and what to use. I have a few classic cars and have tried just about everything. My two cents I never wax anymore I just use a good polish and a buffer. You can get a 10"polisher at most stores for under $50 it will save you a bit of time and your arm as well. Polish will act like a wax and bead water but does not last as long as a good wax. If you car is used alot or sits outside then yes go for a good wax as well.

    Stick to the old reliable names you know and trust for waxes and polishes, some companies now have a three step system with wash polish and wax. I like Turtle wax, Mother's and Meguires, both for price and quality.

    Most people can't tell the difference between wax's anyway.

    Good luck


  5. wax on - right hand

    wax off - left hand

    (in my best Mr. Miaggi inpersonation...LOL)

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