
How do you weld titanium with millermatic?

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How do you weld titanium with millermatic?




  1. You can't MiG titanium. It is too dirty and too hot.

    You probably don't recall the early days of Ti but Teledyne had a hand in developing the first commercialy viable model. These were (sadly) full of problems due to contaminated welds which ultimately caused severe failures. Additional failures occured because of excessive heat and causing a shear at the end of the weld zone.

    Of course, at this time very few people knew this, and of the people that did even fewer were talking about it.

    If you TiG Ti, the best thing to do is to perform it in an airless environment. Lacking that, you really need to turn up the inert gas and weld in a surgically clean room.

  2. I would be more inclined to use a TIG welder than your above mentioned MIG.

    Welding titanium is pretty specialized, I would not attempt it without expert advice first.

    I cant even weld Aluminium, but I am a dab hand with TIG welding Stainless Steel!!

    Most of us here are not really welding experts, It may be better to find another forum, or trawl the 'net.

    Best of luck though!


  3. I would not recommend this to be done by anyone except by a highly qualified welder. Ti is not an easy metal to weld and only the very experienced should attempt it and then only if they have the proper equipment (wire, gas, etc.) and a clean welding area.

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