
How do you win a boxing match against someone smaller than you and bulit like a tank?

by Guest34263  |  earlier

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i need to to know what i should do I'm and in and out type of boxer but this guy has a power full punch and is more experienced than me I'm thinking i should go with the hit and run technique but i think i should evolve it meaning i should swich from the defense to offensive so when im in punching range i can got to the offensive then swich to the defence and hit him with a counter and run and countinu should i folowe through with this plan iv only got a month till the match




  1. jab the sh*t out of em. tyson vs lennox lewis

  2. use your jab to keep a distance make sure he doesnt get close to you keep throwing jabs and right hands that will eventually weaken his defense  

  3. Being taller you have a longer reach so use the jab to control the distance and the pace of the fight, then if he wants to come charging at you, back up a bit then stop and throw a right, he will run straight onto it, creating more power.  But if hes more expericed he isnt likely to charge, so he might try rolling or slipping so double up on the jab, if you miss to the head, aim the next to the chest because his head might be moving but the chest wont be.  Basically as long as he don't manage to get inside he cant do any real damage.

  4. youv got to fight tall use your jab and double up the jab. counter and plus the uppercut would be effect if he comes bulling in on you and try grabbing him behind his head to stop his rhythm and spin him againest the ropes get him off balance. also watch ali v frazier fights to get a few tips good luck.

  5. Counter punch, wait for him to come in and swing, avoid it and hit him with an uppercut, jab him and drop overhand rights into his chin right below his ear. Stick the jab in his face the whole time, jab and back up, follow the jab with over hand rights, shorter fighters are usually open for them

  6. Practice your jabbing and fight smart. Don't get overly aggressive or you'll get tired quicker. Throw most of your shots to the head, mostly straights and hooks. Uppercuts on a short guy are harder and leave you open. Just practice and train, if you are inexperienced then you are obviously at a great disadvantage.

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