
How do you win an argument with someone who's only actual point is that "they are right" and "you are wrong?

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My brother is a jackass and anytime there is an argument over anything he "wins" because even in light of irrefutable evidence against his argument he refuses to believe that he is wrong....ever. I think I am just not going to talk to him anymore because his immaturity is pretty aggravating.




  1. It's like that computer Joshua learned in the movie WarGames -- the only way to win is not to play.

    Trust me, just smiling and refusing to engage will drive your brother insane.

  2. If you find out, let me know.

  3. There is an old saying that goes "Never argue with an idiot. He'll just drag you down to his level and beat you."

    Everybody knows someone who has to turn everything into an argument. The trick is to keep yourself from getting caught up in it.

  4. It sounds like your brother has a hard time choosing his battles.  Not only that, but it may be a game he plays to make himself feel better than you.  Don't play into it next time;  its good enough that you know you are right, and if he doesn't understand that, than he wont.  Just let it go.  You cant win with him.

    Also, don't argue with him when he starts, just walk away or change the subject.  Choose your battles carefully, because one little argument like that can have worse consequences than it is worth.  You don't want to destroy your relationship with him just because he is a little egotistical - just let it go and remember that he will grow past that someday.

    Just be patient - one day he will realize that he doesn't always need to be right, and if he doesn't ever realize that - well, just cross that bridge when you come to it.

  5. ok if your bro is annoying at arguments then either ignore him or just don't get in the fight at all but whatever you do, do not! i repeat do not! do what he does because if you do that and he does that you'll end up angry and stressed and you'll probably stop talking to him. i used to have a girlfriend that was an argument magnet anything you said could be an argument to her but i used these three methods and eventually she stopped wanting to argue: 1. humor him - tell him that he's right without a sarcastic tone. 2. not sure - say i'm not sure but you could be right. 3. tell him - tell him that you don't want to get into an argument with him. if you have further problems ask your parents for more ways to avoid arguments.

  6. Try not to argue. Once you get your point out and he refuses to believe it, just stop. All that matters is that you know your right when he's wrong.

  7. My older brother is the same way.  He even explicitly said that something was right just because he said it was.  He's 21 for crying out loud, you'd think he'd be more mature!  Anyway I've pretty much taken the road you were planning on taking and it's working out okay.  Why bother even talking to someone if the conversation always turns into a pointless argument?

  8. It is common for a person's point to be, "I am right."  Of course, the proper point in a argument is, "what is right."  I think you will need to be OK with your brother thinking he is right and always winning.  You know what you think.  Tell him, "no one is going to change their thinking now.  If you need to be right, fine, you're right.  Argument over."

  9. U don' take my advice and don't waste your breath...its useless to argue with such People

  10. You already know the simply avoid the argument in the first place. Life is to short.

    Next time he comes in and says something designed to start a fight, just say "Whatever" and walk off.

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