
How do you win arguments with christians?!?

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if your talking about a evolution or something, or the big bang and a christian says

Christian: "There is no big bang, god created everything"

Me: "How do you know? there is no proof of god or him creating everything"

Christian: Your proof that god created every, the sky is proof."

How can you argue with something that is so ignorant and close minded? What do you other atheists say?

I dont want to hear that im going to h**l and all that other c**p! If i am going to h**l, I'll be with good company




  1. Explain to them that there is no conflict between belief in God and accepting what science can teach us about the world and the universe.

    Science allows us to study the natural order of the universe.  God is not a part of the natural order - He is seperate to it - thus he is supernatural.  Science doesn't allow us to study the supernatural.

    However through studying science we can see how the universe came into being - i.e. the Big Bang is just the method used by God to create.  Evolution is just how God created life - it doesn't have to conflict.   You will get arguments telling you that the Bible declares God done it in six days and we MUST take that literally... what this fails to recognise is that Genesis 1 is a poem in the original Hebrew, it was designed to tel us that there is a God and that this God is responsible for creating the Universe - It is not and was never intended to be a scientific text on HOW God did it.  Studying Science allows us insight into the "how" of God.

    Also point them to this web site -

    It is a website written by mainstream scientists (i.e. not so called 'creation scientists') who are also strong Christians.  It demonstrates that there is no need for conflict between faith and Science.

  2. Many Christians are totally close-minded and you can't win any argument with them because they don't listen to reason.  A true Christian that practices what they preach is not like that. Unfortunately, the ones that are close-minded are the ones that give the rest of us Christians a bad name.  

  3. It is difficult, and probably a waste of time.  It is characteristic of such arguers that they have negligible understanding of science, and all of their "information" is obtained from fraudulent sites such as Hovind or the Discovery Institute.  To make a good case from fairly brief material, see reference.

    Postscript: first response is simply wrong.  Evolution is a proven fact; the proof will be sent on request to anyone who supplies an e-mail address.  Furthermore, the bible has hundreds of errors, starting on the very first page, as anyone with even the slightest knowledge of science is quite well aware.

  4. Maybe you might think of going beyond insulting.  

  5. Eh jut don't start it. None of us will win.  

  6. why would care what we think why argue are u btrying to make us think like u lol

  7. Its like trying to reason with a duck. Tell them to stay put and they quack your head off.

    Kelly S- Umm, not sure what you're talking about. All caps rant?  Who did that?  I have certainly never.

  8. Here's my take:

    1) I don't intend to engage in any arguments; life is too good and too short. Our actions speak for us if we act as Christians.

    2) The Holy Spirit does the work; you are at a slight disadvantage but that's your choice.

    That's it.

    Only the other hand, if you talk trash, I'm here to poke holes in your "logic."

    All the best.

    God love you!

  9. There are certain people who won't or can't engage in discourse and listen to and respond to arguments. They are not solely Christians. Many atheists fall into this category as well. Most people are not really trained or educated in making logical arguments about the existence of God or Biblical truth. This is not their fault; it is a very specialized topic, and there are other ministries that need attending to besides apologetics, and most people just don't have the inclination for it. I myself am no expert in the topic, although I do enjoy reading apologists.

    My advice to you would be simply to not try to engage in arguments with people who do not listen. If you insist on unnecessary conflict, you would do well to heed the advice of Lao Tzu (see, Christians do know more than the Bible). "Learn to bend, and you will never break. Learn to turn, and you will never fall."

  10. how do you win arguments with Atheist?!?

    if your talking about a evolution or something, or the big bang and a christian says

    Christian: "There is no big bang, god created everything"

    Me: "How do you know? there is no proof of god or him creating everything"

    Christian: Prove that God doesn't exist. Duh

    How can you argue with something that is so ignorant and close minded? What do you other christians say?

    I dont want to hear that their is no God and all that other c**p! I'm going to heaven,and I'll be with good company

  11. There is only faith.

    When you believe in God ,or you believe in Evolution, there is No definitive proof of either, just faith in your belief.

      So stop fighting and work together to preserve a dying planet please.

  12. Their circular logic truly confounds me.  

  13. i feel bad to for those people who waste their lives on WORSHIPING something that may not even be real! i really think we SHOULD make a religion from a fairytale! like cinderella! ahahahaha. jkjk. i rather believe in somehting that has been proven than what some weird person wrote down in a book 1000s of years ago. and HOW could someone document about adam and eve when they were the only two there?! gah! its all just a bunch of icky fiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I ask for real evidence supporting their claims. For some reason, religious nuts usually stop responding.

  15. I think what is closed-minded is when someone shuts out the possiblity that there is a God. You have closed your mind to even the slightest possibility that we Christians may be on to something. That is ignorant and closed-minded.

    That "book" was written by 40 different authors over a 1600+ year span of time in 3 different languages and yet they all coalesce to form the most amazing history anyone has ever read. No small feat.

    EDIT: Wow! Look at you, sweetie! I don't think anyone has yet to show that there is NO proof of God. Even the most ignorant of atheists can admit that (excluding yourself, obviously).

    And Kelly B...if posting an all-caps rant repeatedly is "reasoning" I'd hate to see what you think is unreasonable.

  16. The only way to win, is to give in and become a Christian.

    Because dear KYRA, you will never win otherwise !

    God and His Holy King James Bible are the only truth you will ever need.

    If you do CHOOSE to go to "h**l-fire" you definitely will have company - SATAN !

    So you believe that after you ask a question and are told the truth, that is pushing the answerers views on you - get real !

  17. satan has you right were he wants. he saying good girl. i believe in the big bang ,GOD said bang and here we are.your proof? that life came from non-living material how crazy is that!!

  18. you won't be in good company. you will be more lonely than you can imagine.

    where's the proof of the big bang? where did the bang come from? what caused it. if nothing was here, how did it bang? Oh, wait, it was GOD! Now I get it.

  19. You say we are close minded yet you have a belief system with more holes than Swiss Cheese and NO ANSWERS and NO SOLUTIONS to the human condition.

  20. I'm a Christian and if you look around you and honestly ask yourself with an open mind. Did Someone make this? or did all these complex things just poof out of'll see God in all creation. and If you accept Jesus, you won't have to go to h**l! God loves you and wants you to see that. and if you want proof of creation, I still want all the missing links for evolution. you'll never find the missing links, I'd stake my life on it.

  21. The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of energy in a system that is available to do work is decreasing. Entropy increases as available energy decreases. In other words, the purely natural tendency of things is to move toward chaos, not order, and available energy necessary for work is lost (mostly as heat) in this process. Eventually, the universe will run down and all life and motion will cease.  This is the natural tendency of all things.  Batteries run down, machines break, buildings crumble, roads decay, living things die, etc.  Left to the natural state, all things would eventually cease to function.

    The universe is not infinitely old because it has not "run down."

    If the universe were infinitely old, it would have reached a state where all usable energy is gone.

    But, we are not in this state; therefore, the universe is not infinitely old and must have had a beginning.

    Because the universe has had a beginning it is not infinite in size.

    It would require an infinite amount of time to become infinite in size. Since the universe had a beginning, it has not had an infinite amount of time to expand; therefore, it is finite in size.

    All events have causes.

    There cannot be an infinite regress of events because that would mean the universe were infinitely old.

    We've already established the universe cannot be infinitely old.

    If it were infinitely old, the universe would be in a state of unusable energy, which it is not.

    If it were infinitely old, the universe would be infinitely large, which it is not.

    Since the universe is finite and had a beginning and there cannot be an infinite number of regressions of causes to bring it into existence, there must be a single uncaused cause of the universe.

    A single uncaused cause of the universe must be greater in size and duration than the universe it has brought into existence.

    Otherwise, we have the uncaused cause bringing into existence something greater than or equal to itself.

    Any cause that is natural to the universe is part of the universe.

    An event that is part of the universe cannot cause itself to exist.

    Therefore, there must be an uncaused cause outside the universe.

    An uncaused cause cannot be a natural part of the universe which is finite.

    An uncaused cause would be infinite in both space and time since it is greater than which it has caused to exist.

    An uncaused cause would be separate from the universe.

    Being separate from the universe, which was caused to be, it would not be subject to the laws of the universe since it existed independent of the universe and its laws.

    This would mean that entropy need not be required of the uncaused cause.

    This uncaused cause is supernatural.

    By supernatural is meant completely 'other' than the universe and is not the product of it.

    This uncaused cause must be incredibly powerful to bring the universe into existence.

    The Bible teaches that God is uncaused, is not part of the universe, created the universe, and is incredibly powerful.

    God's existence (in Christianity) is not an event, but a state.  

    Psalm 90:2 says that God is God without a beginning.  

    This means that God is uncaused.

    Therefore, the God of the Bible is the uncaused cause of the universe.

  22. I am a Christian...don't yell at me!  I am not going to debate the evolution vs. creation topic, because that is not what you asked.  I think the answer to your problem is this:  It is not just between atheists and Christians.  It is between Christians and Jews, Buddists and atheists, etc.  A Christian cannot prove something to an atheist using the Bible, because the atheist does not see the Bible as an authority.  The atheist cannot prove something to the Christian using science, because the Chrisian believes God is not limited by the physical.  A Muslim cannot prove something to a Christian using the Koran, because the Christian does not recognize the Koran as an authority.  

    The only way person #1 can ever believe, accept or "convert" person #2, is for one of the people to acknowedge the validity of the source of the others beliefs.

    Did any of that make sense?  Or am I writing in circles?

  23. In case you haven't heard there is no evidence that complex life can just happen by itself. We can thank science for showing this. Despite decades of intense research no life sprang into being from raw materials without human interference.Since this avenue has yielded no results it is time to start considering competing theories. May I suggest replacing trying to win an argument with the search for truth. It was the scientific argument for the fine tuning of the universe that convinced famous life long atheist Anthony Flew to change his mind and come to believe in God.

  24. There is nothing you can say to people who are only interested in their own beliefs.

    EDIT: vballgirl360 is probably an American... ugh... ignorant Americans

  25. There's no proof of evolution.

  26. You don't win arguements with people of blind faith.  Just brush it off and move on.  

  27. I don't see any proof of evolution. There is no proof that the Bible is wrong.

    There is no good company in h**l.

    Repent and be saved.  

  28. Why do you argue? Arguing is immature and ignorant. Why can't you come to an agreement rather than always having to be right?

    edit: Glad you agree, but if they push you with their beliefs, they are just trying to win a fight without any evidence. They use those phrases because they don't know why they believe. They don't know the answers so they just make stuff up. There is always going to be "so-called" evidence to disprove either side. The best way to learn about God isn't in Y!A, it's face to face with someone who isn't blind.

  29. i know!!!!!!

    i was JUST talking to my friend about why s*x after marriage is so important.

    and she said "the bible says so"

    "but what if they truely love eachother?"

    ..."the bible says its wrong"

    how do you know that god wrote the bible

    "the bible says so"

    its like "the bible" is all that they know.

    i bet if i write "go to a sleepaway camp and kill everyone" they'll do it

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