
How do you women and men do it?

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I'm freaking out because my boyfriend is leaving. He joined the army and I know I'm going to have to be strong. It's the only choice. But, the thought of missing him is overwhelming. How do you military girlfriends, wives, husbands, boyfriends, etc. do it? You have to be very strong I imagine.




  1. My girlfriend says it gets easier every time I leave, because I always come back. Good luck and stay strong

  2. I have had 2 exboyfriends go and my husband is currently there.  I also have friends deployed.  How do I do it?  Stay firm with the thought, that if it's their time to go, then it's their time to go.  To me, everyones gotta go sometime and it could be me here in the states-not him during this deployment.  It is, it's hard as h**l, but letting the fear overcome you will not help.  It was way worse back when it all started.  Now they have internet and phone connections and some wives hear from their others monthly, some hear from them daily.  Depends on the job.  Get a dogtag with his picture on it and wear it everyday everywhere you go.  Even to the club.  It'll keep him close to your heart.  

  3. You just have to be independent while still being supportive, encouraging, and loving.

    While he's at basic training write him letters every day. Don't make them sad letters... Be upbeat, happy encouraging. Tell him about things going on at home, what you did that day, who's dating who. The usual gossipy stuff that you may mention when he was home.

    Have your own life... Get a 2nd job, take some fun classes at your local college (cooking, dancing, yoga, journalism, a language, etc), spend time with your family (and his if you're close to them), go out with you girlfriends, etc.

    Its a different type of life but there's a ton of us who live it every day.

  4. I went into the Marines at 17.  It was tough sometimes, missing girl friends and family.  I went home occasionally and went out.  After a while the relationships faded, kind of mutual.  (None were very serious, though.)  I met some girls closer to where I was stationed, and eventually married one.

    Everyone handles this their own way.  With me, I had 3 or more  girlfriends, never told any of them that they were my only one, never expected any of them to sit around and wait for me for 4 years.

    Some guys did expect their girl to wait.  And some girls at home expected their guys to be true. But it's really not the way it usually works for teens.  The feelings may be there, but loneliness or hormones often take over.

    My daughter is preparing for a 2 year separation from her boyfriend.  She is being realistic about it and making no promises, or expecting anything.  He's thinking they'll both be true to each other.

  5. Be true and strong and support him and tell him that you love him every chance you get. Also pray for him! GOD AND JESUS ARE BOTH WATCHING OVER THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Just put your big girl panties on and deal with it.

  7. Give him support all the way. I don't know how long you have been together but maybe you two should consider getting married just in case something happens to him. And if it does you will be taken care of. I know a lot of military people who married their b/f and g/f,

  8. I won’t lie to you, it wont help anyone. The first two weeks and last two weeks will be the hardest. You’ll have your good days and your really bad days. But you have to stay strong and stand by your man. Before he leaves you will feel like you can’t do it, trust me you can and will. You don’t have a choice. Try not to make it any harder for him. He doesn’t want to leave you any more than you want him to. You will wait for his calls, e-mails and when he doesn’t call worry night and day till you hear from him. But remember no news is better than bad news. Right now cherish the time you have and make sure he knows how important he is to you. He needs to know he can count on you and that you will encourage, support and be there for him. When  the time comes, or to get prepared… I have some great ideas on how to get threw deployments and bring the two of  you even closer! Things for him and you! If you want more info get back to me, best wishes!

  9. stay with them support them this whole experience will bring you closer. be happy>

  10. if your intite with the fam hang out with them if the have bros and sis hang with them thats what my brothers g/f did and my bro was always gone on missions.

  11. think of how he feels - he will miss you too.  I know - I missed my family all the time. 21 years - 13 attached to ships

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