
How do you work to lower your running times?

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I am in shape and run every day, yet while I love running, I have never been very fast at it. I have good endurance and recently (as in the past few months) I have been running everyday to try to decrease my mile, 2 mile, and 3 mile times, but it seems the more I run the worse times I get. What can I do to try to improve these times?




  1. do mile repeats and try to negative split each one.

    be careful not to overwork yourself.

  2. You don't necessarily have to just run more, but also incorporate quicker speed work and other types of work-outs into your running routine.  Remember you still need to take days off too.

  3. instead of running day after day,do different sessions to get faster such as speed ,interval, fartlek and hills. check out running websites for proper schedules.  just by doing one or two a week will make you faster.  the key is to vary your training.

  4. You might be wearing yourself out or just getting frustrated too quickly. Since you added more distance, you need to pace yourself more. Your times a the begginning will be slightly lower until you can comfterably jog the full distance. Once you can, you can push yourself more to get lower times.

    One thing I do is I put a water bottle on my front step.  When i can see my house and I am tired, the last bit of my run, the water bottle pushes me. I say the faster i run here (i usually sprint the last little bit) the sooner I can get water.

    Also, you can set times for yourself. Say "I want to run 2 miles in 15 minutes" Then, trying not to pressure yourself, if you look at your watch after a mile and its only taken you 6 minutes, you can relax a little. Or if your watch says 10, your goal might be a little to hard for that run. Start out saying, I want 2 miles in 18 minutes. In a couple day, aim to make that 2 miles in 17 minutes. Keep shaving off time every few days as a personal goal for yourself. Just remember not to make the goal too hard at first or you might give up.

  5. hmmm i dont know on that one... i run and my times dont get any worse they just dont improve very much...maybe you are running to much and wearing yourself out.

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