I work at a very small medical practice. My coworker is an anti-abortion, extreme right wing and racist person. I can't stand being alone with her in the office and frankly, I don't believe it is appropriate to voice her opinions so freely in the workplace.
The other day, I was irritated about some protesters vandalizing public property in order to get their message across. (I don't think anyone has the right to do so). It had nothing to do with the message itself, but rather the fact that vandalism is not acceptable.
Well, this coworker yelled and screamed at me (after showing up 2 hours late for work) and then left 5 minutes later claiming that I was an idiot and she couldn't stand to be in the same room with me. Then, the next day, she didn't call and didn't show. She is by FAR the favorite here, so I don't know what to do next. Find another job?