
How do you work with someone in school on a group project...?

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Who is either totally stupid/lacking brain cells or refuses to do good quality work, if any at all?




  1. Give them some task [like listing things] that they can't possibly s***w up.

  2. ask the teacher if you can have a different partner because you partner isnt doing any work and youu want to do good on the project

  3. I do it myself

  4. This happens to a lot  of people. I usually do I myself, and just put your name on it so the person doesn't get credit; or tell you teacher first that your partner won't do anything.

    if none of that works,...yeah, just do if yourself. get it over with. hopefull, you won't have that person a a partner. if you do; ask to swich, that you've had problems in the past, or work alone:)

  5. motivate the person or assign a portion of the work (example: one of you research and the other write or something) but don't do the work by yourself, you are just contributing to the person's laziness and unwillingness. or talk to the person and set the record straight (example: well as you know this is a team project and a team involves more than 1 person to get the job done, so let's do our share, okay? you know it's not fair i I do all the work and you get credit or if you do all the work and i get the credit? you know so let's put the best of our parts!) though you may believe the person is lacking brain cells, just tell how it is, in a gentle manner......okayyy! hope that i helppppppp!

  6. well, do ur part and if he chooses not to, tell em to get to work...If he says sumthin like no, ask y not? and if his reply is, i dont want to blah blah blah....then talk to ur teacher and tell him that ur partner is showing defiance against the group project. or say sumthin like oh idk ummm...ur partner isnt doing the work...

    ps:one more thing, GOOD LUCK!

  7. I know exactly how you feel. If the person is lazy i usually end up doing the whole thing by myself. If the person wants to everything and wont let you do a thing i try to tell them to back off and let me work on it too. I hope I helped.

    Ps. good luck with yoiur project partner it sounds like u need it lol

  8. well no one is stupid. Its just ur egooooooooooooo thinking your better than someone

  9. you know what?  this happens. i will happen when you get a job.  some lazy person will take all the credit.  you have to grin and bear it.  you are smarter, so you are the one who will come up with a way to make a fortune when you're older

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