
How do you work with someone you dislike?

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I'm being a resident advisor at my university and my floor partner is extremely extremely conceited. He talks about himself and his great accomplishments at every chance possible. He also acts like he knows more about how to do the job than I do, and granted he does have a bit more experience in the position, he is too condescending about it. Furthermore, I disagree with most of his opinions. How can I work with him without driving myself crazy and without getting mad at him?




  1. If it is at all possible, ignore him. When he starts yacking, pull out a book, and read it. Or you can start talking about yourself and your accomplishments, to the point that he gets tired of hearing you talk. Whatever he says, say something that tops what he did. He'll get tired of you real quick. That will shut him up.  

  2. keep it professional and civil also see if you can have a new floor partner as well. i would talk to the person in charge and let them know how you are feeling.

  3. Do your job to the best of your ability.Strive to the best you can be and let him and everyone else see that you love this job.This way you will be rewarded and this jerk will therefore see that he may not be the only red apple on the tree.  

  4. This is almost a daily routine. In any job or business activity one faces a similar situation.

    To start with, one should have a set of ethics norms to live by, without it no self esteem is preserved.

    Accordingly one can spontaneously entertain any situation.

  5. ...the best thing is to just get used to can be difficult with some people but you dont want to turn it into a battle...theres probably very few people who have never had a co-worker that clashed with them in some way...concentrate on doing your job and dont let the jerks of the world change the way you do'll look better to others and feel better about yourself in the long run...good luck

  6. slam your hand on the table and say "so, do you want a medal or something?" and that should be the end of that

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