
How do you write Tawakul in Arabic?

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I'm not sure if I'm saying it right, but I mean the pondering and conteplation of Allah(SWT) it is one word...sounds something like what I typed do you write it in Arabic?




  1. @ Ninja

    Tawakkul means to put ur trust in Allah.You r talking about something else.

  2. there are two words.

    1)Tawakol توكل

    is doing everything you can,doing your best, and then leave it to god.

    e.g finishing your studies,going to crouses, giving your CV around, and then waiting for a job. giving hope in god to help you and praying for him to.

    2)Tawaakol تواكل

    is doing nothing, staying in place, and depending on god to solve everything.

    e,g sleeping late, waking up watching tv, and waiting for a job from god.

  3. Tawakkul=التوكل

  4. توكّل

  5. Edit:

    You mean Importance of Thinking & Reflecting [Tafakkur]

    Sorry I can't write it in Arabic, don't have the software!

    @ Not Afraid 2 Stand Alone: He does not mean that though rather Tafakkur~ contemplating and pondering of Allah (swt) ;)

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