
How do you write a book?

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like do u just like type it and send it to a book publishing company or something?

Ive been thinking about making a book but i don't know how to do it




  1. First, you need an idea for a story which will be original, intriguing, compelling, and which will be marketable, appealing to your potential readership.  You must develop your idea into a concept; make an outline of your proposed novel, listing the characters (protagonists and antagonists), deciding upon the plot, its climax, its denouement (falling action).  When you have the entirety of your story outlined, then begin to write it -- the rough draft.  Once that is completed, you must proofread and edit, correct errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax.  When your creation appears polished and professional in its final version, buy a copy of "Writer's Market" for the current year to discover which publishing companies might be likely to purchase your type of manuscript.  You quite probably will require a literary agent to represent you and may discover one in "Writer's Market".  If your agent of choice (you must be certain that the person is ethical) agrees to endeavor to sell your story, he/she will assume that responisibility -- although success is far from guaranteed.  Even the most successful authors relate tales of having their initial efforts rejected repeatedly.  It is very difficult for an unknown writer to reap the rewards of publication.  Education and experience in writing are essential.  Go to college and study English, taking numerous writing courses.  Good luck!

  2. You sit.  You think. You type. You edit. And edit. and edit.  then you get an agent.

  3. Most people have a story to tell in the heart, but not everyone has the guts to put it on paper, go for it! Think of a storyline that you like, write up a brief overview, if you like it keep it, if you hate it bin it, if your undecided keep it. I do that so much. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it.

    Make a manuscript, make sure its tidy, not a lot of errors if any because publishers like you to have a tidy approach.

    Your story will probably be amazing but be ready for rejection, JKR got rejected loads, I bet those publishers regret that now.

    Get an agent but remember a lot of agents like a slice of the profit, 10%, 15% etc. You could always go self published like authors have in the past.

    And what ever happens write the story because you love writing, not because you want money because sometimes it might show through.

    Hope I could help, oh and a book usual varys from 90,000 words to 125,000 words.


  4. Take some writing courses.  Check the Internet for sources and writer's blogs.

    Not many people have just sat down and written a book and got immediately published.  Even the best writers have had tons of rejections.

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