
How do you write a good cover letter?

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How do you write a good cover letter?




  1. Lie.

  2. Only an idiot would lie on a cover letter.

    Cover letters are intended to entice the reader to view your resume. You can produce one that reflects your skills, especially your transferable skills. Or you can wait until the right job catches your eye, then take a mental note of what got your attention. This is how you should start off your cover letter.  

  3. Show that you know about the company and the position and why you think you're the one.  Also amplify something on your resume that would make them want to interview you.

  4. I usually look up samples on google images.

    Their name

    Their address

    City / State / Postcode


    Dear Mr (or Ms) ____ (Last name)

    For your first sentence tell them what job you are applying for, where you found it (eg what newspaper or website) why you are applying (eg I feel confident my experience and qualifications make me suitable for this job).

    Next paragraph, tell them about your experience. How much experience have you had, what your strengths & skills are, tell them why they should hire you. Address what was written on the ad, eg if it says you must be a good typist tell them how fast you can type. If it says must have excellent communication skills tell them how you've developed your c/s (eg working at ____ has allowed me to strengthen my communication skills) or something like that.

    Then last sentence say something like "I would love to meet with you and discuss this further, please feel free to contact me on ___ "


    Your name

    Don't make it too long, it is just supposed to be a summary of your resume. Goodluck.  

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