
How do you write a letter "return to sender" when the person was an old tenant?

by  |  earlier

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we new in the property but keeps getting letters that does not belong to us . i normally write on the envlope return to sender and post but still get them, what do i need to do to stop them or how can i write a letter




  1. There's nothing you can do. Be a good Samaritan and keep "returning the letters to the sender."

    Until letters from the old tenant stop gettng into your mailbox.

  2. The LL might have the old tenants new address, of course they can not give it to you, but they may be able to contact them for you and inform them they're still getting mail.. They'll take care of it from there I'm sure. No one wants their mail floating around.

  3. The previous tenant should have arranged for his mail to be re-directed.  When you next see your postman tell him that the tenant has moved away and that he must stop delivering the mail for him to your address.

    The alternative is to write 'Move Away' on the envelope and drop it in the post box again.  If it returned to you, keep them all in a carrier bag and drop them in at the post office whenever it is convenient to you.

    Don't lose any sleep over the matter, the previous tenant should have been more thoughtful.  It really is none of your business.

  4. I had this and ended up with the biggest pile of mail ever for old tenants so I took it round to landlord and he took it to them and it soon started to slow down, we were lucky that the landlord had a forwarding address for the old tenants you should try the same

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