
How do you write a letter to a judge on behalf of a 17yr old...?

by  |  earlier

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boy who engaged in sexual intercourse with a young lady who lied and said she was 16 and it was later discovered that she was only 12. The young lady wrote a written statement confessing that she lied to the young man but the young girl's father, who caught them getting dressed, is pressing charges and now the young man is being tried as an adult and charged with second degree rape and assault and facing 20 yrs????




  1. Well, the whole point of you writing the letter is to show of this young man's good side. So, just write a well put together letter (your grammer counts on his behalf also) trying to show the judge that he is really a good kid, not a pedophile or rapist. Give exaples of how he has helped those around him, what he does all day (does he have a job? does he go to church? does he volunteer?), and show how he hasnt done anything wrong in the past (if he hasnt, of course). Just try and put him in the best light possable.

  2. At this point the young man needs a lawyer. Do not do this on your own, get professional help in this matter. Depending on the state, there could be a lot to loose.

    Good luck.

  3. You don't!  Never never never contact a judge directly for any reason.  It would get you in a whole lot of s**+* and make your friend look very bad.  He will be getting a lawyer or one will be appointed for him so wait until that happens.  Then you contact that lawyer and give him your information.  If he thinks it will help his client he will use it.  Good luck to you and your friend!!

  4. You need an Attorney for this!

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