
How do you write a recomendation for a teacher? Plz. Help me!!!!?

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My precalculus teacher loves teaching precalulus and she's really good at it. She also teaches Algebra II and Calculus AB. Her fav subject that she enjoys teaching is precalc as mentioned. However, a new Math teacher is coming, and she's going to be teaching precalc the next school year. The principal is going to take away her precalc class and assign her another Calc AB class. She asked her precalc students if they want, to write a recomendation for her so she could keep her precalc class and teach precalc in the future.

Can you tell me how to start off the recomendation and what I should include in it. (She mentioned something about a 5- pharagraph essay)

Thanks in Advance!!!




  1. The principal isn't going to give a c**p about what the students want. You'll be wasting your time.

  2. just discuss why you've enjoyed her as a teacher. How she's gone above and beyond what most teachers do. Also how she has increased your skill level, ability and interest in math.

    Despite what a previous poster said, students can make a difference. Certainly there is only so much you can do but atleast by writing a letter you can hep!

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