
How do you write a resume?

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I'm only 15 so I haven't had much experience




  1. You can still make your resume look professional, and write under the following titles:


    To increase my learning and to gain practical experience in the field of......

    Educational Achievements

    Extra Curricular Activities

    Internships (If any)/Summer Projects

    Key Strengths

    - Excellent communications skills

    - Diligent worker etc. etc....

  2. I used this resume writing service in my area, this is the email address, ( you should try them, it only cost me $35.00 and I got a great job from this new resume, I never thought about the format that they use but the turn around time was less then 24 hrs.  I would have to say it was the best service I have ever used and it was worth every dime.  Also they let me pay through paypal.

  3. I'm 15 years old too, and I got my first part time job about 3 months ago.

    On your resume, have headings such as:

    work experience - anything you have done like babysitting, school council groups, umpiring for your local sport club, helping out at parents' offices

    extra curricular - activities that you do outside of school such as sport, music, school groups and clubs. This shows that you can be committed to things and that you are not lazy

    qualities - things like organisation, responsibility, hard working, quick learner. Highlight your strengths

    achievements - any academic, or even sporting achievements you have made.

    at the bottom, you can also put some family friend's or teacher's phone numbers that your employer can call for a reference. they usually wont bother, but its good to show that you are respected enough in society to have people give you good references.

    In the days after you had in your resume someplace, make sure you keep your phone with you, you don't want to miss that call!!

    Good luck, and remember to just be yourself in the interviews!!


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