
How do you write a review of a play?

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I have to write a review of a script- it has never been performed anywhere, and I must write purely about the script itself. I have no idea where to start. I have read the play a few times but I dont really know what to say in a review of it! help please!




  1. Read reviews of plays on Stage. They'll help give you a template.

  2. What is your opinion of the writing style?; if it was performed, do you think it would be a succes?; how real were the characters?

    That kind of stuff! =]

  3. Scripts are made up of several parts, each of which needs to be evaluated> 1, the plot or story,  was it interesting, were you eager to find out how it turned out?> 2. characters, are the people of the story admirable or otherwise engaging? Do they behave logically? Are there any who remind you of people you know? 3 the theme or message of the story, does the play illustrate an important moral point without preaching about it? State that message in a simple sentence.  4 Language, Do the characters speak eloquently? Is there beauty and poetry in the dialogue? State some memorable lines from the play. 5. The stage directions.  Do the stage directions help you understand where and when the  story occurs? Are they helpful in any other way?  Ok, now what you do is evaluate all the five parts and then decide what those evaluations make your total opinion of the play be.  It the entire play great, good, average, fair or poor?  That is your thesis statement for the review. Then you prove that statement by your observations of the five parts. For more info on how to compose a work of exposition (explanation) contact me.

  4. To review a script, you must first understand the show that is being presented.  It is difficult to review a show that hasn't been performed yet, so what you need to do is picture the performance for yourself based entirely on what it is the script states.  Does the script tell you where the play is set? how the actors should move? what kind of music is playing? Also, are there line descriptors telling you how the line is to be delivered (i.e. JANE (sarcastically): Oh yea?).  

    Use these clues to help you build an idea of what the play will be like if it were performed as the playwright intended it.  Look into the depth of character revealed for each character through their dialogue.  A lot can be said and a lot can be read between the lines and doesn't need to be stated.  Does the playwright succeed in harmonizing communication between these two techniques?  For instance, its boring when a character lists what it is they like (i.e. JANE: I like green and flowers and candles and teddy bears and my birthday was one week ago.)  The information can often be relayed to the audience in a much more interesting fashion (i.e. JANE:  I got a green teddy bear for my birthday!  Woo!).  In the second exapmle, it becomes obvious that Jane likes both teddy bears and green, or she wouldn't be so excited about the gift.  It also relays the information that her birthday happened in the recent past.  

    Also, discuss the cohesiveness of the play.  Does it make sense?  Is there a gap in the timeline?  If so, is that gap explained well through dialogue and action or is it a surprise to find out we're all of a sudden 10 years in the future during act 2?  Do the characters make sense as far as their role in the story?  Is the bully nice all the time or does he really seem to be the antagonist?

    I guess since you're critiquing only the script, it is a critque of the playwrights intentions for the play and not a review of how well an actor portrayed a character or how beatiful the sets were.  Good luck!

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