
How do you write lyrics?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone have a good process that works for you? discuss.




  1. Firstly, find inspiration in something- something you feel, or think of, something on TV or in the news.

    Then, write a poem, or find words that relate to the topic- express how you feel. It doesn't have to rhyme.

    Then, think of a chorus, something catchy and repeated, something that 'sums' up what you are thinking about.

    Bring is all together, just clear your mind and see what flows out of it. It may take time, but when you are lying in bed or in the shower, just hum a tune, and think of words. They may mean nothing but it is really helpful!

    Just get it all flowing, i hope it works! Good luck. Just remember- don't try too hard!! When you start trying too hard, you stop thinking and it just sounds forced. Write from your heart- what you feel is right.


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