
How do you you survive a new school??

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How do you you survive a new school??




  1. Be yourself!!! I just went into a new school thinking oh my gosh how am I going to make friends. And now nearly everyone in my class is my friend. Just introduce yourself to people.

    Hope this helps :)

  2. If the teachers introduce you, then you should be ok. For a while kids will either avoid you or be all over you. At lunch you will probably get invited over to a table to eat with them. Usually if you kind of ask a couple questions, laugh at their jokes, and be yourself you will survive.

    USUALLY!!!! Lol joking...

    Good Luck

  3. Well, introduce yourself and be friendly. That's the most important part. Find somebody you can bond with..a person who shares one or more of your interests and hang out with them. Also, don't look mean and don't keep to yourself. People will avoid you. As for teachers, make them like you by doing all your work. Be yourself.

  4. Be involved as soon as you get there.

    Join new clubs and don't be afraid to meet new people. No one is looking to judge you, so be yourself. Find people that like to do things that you enjoy, that way you're not trying to be someone else (people can tell if you're just acting like you like something).

    Just take a deep breath and jump in, you'll be fine!

  5. smile, breathe, compliment others, be friendly, don't judge, join a club/sport, have fun, be yourself!

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